1. To chair all meetings of Schreiber youth committee.
  2. to all agendas for the committee meetings with assistance of the Recreation Programmer.
  3. To motivate individual Committee members
  4. To delegate appropriate task or responsibilities to individual committee
  5. to network with student councils and other youth organizations


responsibility of the secretary 

1. take minutes for all committee meetings and email to the recreation programmer
2. to ensure committee meeting summaries are clear and concise. Motions must be recorded
3. to record names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of committee members.
4. responsible for the official of committee members at all meetings.
5. to mark the official correspondence of the committee.
6. to mark attendance of committee members at  meetings
7. to advice the chair and the recreation programmer of any committee members that have missed three meetings.
8. to send reminders for regular monthly meetings

responsibility of photographer

to keep a photographic record of every event , meetings and socials.
to provide photos in a timely fashion for use on social media and the townships web page
to work with the marketing representative to compile slide show presentations for council and the community as required
other duties as required